Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 168 Macro Lens Envy

I am seriously considering the Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro lens as my next purchase. I have some serious macro lens envy when I see people post photos taken with that lens. If I just could have had that lens when I stumbled across this spider web!!! Unfortunately, it's just not in my budget right now so this will have to do :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you on your envy for macro lens ;)
    Before I got my real macro lens...I bought closeup filters. Although it doesn't come anywhere close to macro lens, for about $40+ it does a good job. With close-up filter there isn't much light loss either.

    May be you could try buying manual macro lens - you could buy a decent macro for about $150
    Buying manual lens gives you plenty of ops to learn about least, that's my perception with manual lens(es).


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I have always had a love for photography so after years of just enjoying other people's photos I figured that I should focus more on my own :) This is my second year of doing a 365 day photo blog. I learned so much my first year and I am excited to see what this year brings!



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