Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 32 Joy of love 01: What they do

During the month of February I am participating in a class sponsored by Willette {Classic Children's Portraiture} called the Joy of Love. For 28 days we will be documenting those we love :) Today's post is called "What they do." I had good intentions of posting a photo of my son playing ball with our dog, Spotty, but I had to laugh out loud when I saw this photo of him sticking his tongue out at me. Yes, he's a stinker, but I love him!


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About This Blog

I have always had a love for photography so after years of just enjoying other people's photos I figured that I should focus more on my own :) This is my second year of doing a 365 day photo blog. I learned so much my first year and I am excited to see what this year brings!



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