Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29 Would you like a brat with that?

Most people eat their sauerkraut ON their brats. My son eats a huge pile first, then eats the brat...gross!

Beer brats and sauerkraut do not fit in to my work out routine :) 40 mins of pure hell this evening with Jillian as I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Ugh!


  1. Jillian is tough! I much prefer I like your blog header.

  2. Your making me hungry but all my work at the gym would be for naught if I indulged. I can't even get past the smell of sauerkraut. Yuck!

  3. I'd have to cut the brat up in the kraut. Having married a German, I have learned to love it. Nice photo regardless.


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About This Blog

I have always had a love for photography so after years of just enjoying other people's photos I figured that I should focus more on my own :) This is my second year of doing a 365 day photo blog. I learned so much my first year and I am excited to see what this year brings!



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