Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 116 Lake Pepin

I am on vacation this week and James and I needed a little get away so we headed over to Lake City for a mom and son mini trip! The day was complete with swimming pool, hot tub, a nice dinner and a walk along Lake Pepin before the sweltering heat chased us back in doors...with a little DQ for dessert and then to swim some more :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice composition. Looks real peaceful.

    You could crop this shot such that the rock towards the right won't show up, then this shot would be a perfect sample of the rule of thirds ;)

    I like the glow in the water and how it turns to gray when you move towards the right.


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About This Blog

I have always had a love for photography so after years of just enjoying other people's photos I figured that I should focus more on my own :) This is my second year of doing a 365 day photo blog. I learned so much my first year and I am excited to see what this year brings!



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