Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 170 Where Have I Been?

If you are wondering where I've been lately or if I am slacking on getting my posts up every day don't give up on me yet :) I have been busy trying to customize my smugmug site, creating a facebook fan page, getting my marketing materials in place and more. Phew...It's a lot of work, but it will pay off in the end! If you've noticed, I've added a couple new links on the top of my for my smugmug site and one for the fb. I don't have a ton of stuff on them yet and the smugmug site is definitely a work in progress (ugh, customization is a killer!), but just taking that little step to get my name out there and letting people know I am portfolio building is already paying off. I have been inundated with requests to take pictures and even from complete strangers :) If there's anyone who wouldn't mind giving me some CC on my site or knows how to customize smugmug let me know!!!!

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About This Blog

I have always had a love for photography so after years of just enjoying other people's photos I figured that I should focus more on my own :) This is my second year of doing a 365 day photo blog. I learned so much my first year and I am excited to see what this year brings!



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